
Keeping Yourself Safe in Public

By Jackie James --- You’ve just spent a fun evening hanging out with your friends, when you decide to head home. As you walk along the street, you become painfully aware you’re not alone, and fear that someone is following you. What do you do? Most of us believe we’ll ...

What is Sex Trafficking?

By Kim Gauthier --- Sex trafficking is when a person is either forced or pressured into engaging in sex with others. Sex trafficking is one force of slavery in the world today. Other types of slavery are forced labor (being forced to work under dangerous or difficult circumstances), domestic service ...

Making Intuitive Decisions

By Hannah Maine --- Making big decisions, like where to go to college or what career to pursue, can be incredibly difficult for anyone. It’s especially hard if you’ve been fortunate enough not to have to face serious decisions in your childhood. A majority of us had parents making the ...

You can be a Leader Every Day!

By Alison Stanton --- Have you ever noticed that when a boy sticks up for himself or takes over on a project in school, he is called “assertive” or “a leader,” but when girls do the same thing they are often labeled not-so-nice terms like “bossy” or “aggressive”? This all-too-common ...

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